Make a Big Impact in Westford image

Make a Big Impact in Westford

Reach the Community with a Multimedia Approach from WestfordCAT. Below are the levels of membership with descriptions.


Each Level Expands Your Reach Into The Community

Support local nonprofit news, town meeting coverage, and youth programs with a sponsorship of WestfordCAT and your branded message will be shared on our three local channels, social media and on our website which averages over 18,000 views each month.

Basic Business Membership $500/year

Benefits: In addition to receiving all the benefits of Individual membership, your business logo will be displayed on the bulletin board which plays throughout the day between scheduled programs, on three local channels it is also displayed on the website's right sidebar in rotation.

Elevated Business Membership $750/year

Benefits: In addition to the Basic Business Membership benefits, a short "informercial" will be made for your business. The informercial will be shared on the WestfordCAT YouTube channel and on social media sites.

Premium Business Membership— $1,000/Year

Includes all the benefits of an Elevated Business Membership, plus:

Creation of a 5-minute business “Informercial” video, supported by WCAT staff for production & distribution, for your business and shared on WestfordCAT’s YouTube channel & social media sites. Static ad box (250 x 150 dpi) will be created & displayed in the online “Bulletin Board,” all day between scheduled programs, on three local channels, as well as in rotation on the website's right sidebar. Animated ad banner (600 x 150 dpi) will be included in daily emailers for twelve (12) months. ∙ Static ad banner will be included in the print edition on Sundays for twelve (12) months.

Sports Underwriter $2,000/year

Benefits: In addition to the Basic Business Membership benefits, Athletics Sponsors will be featured in all sports video coverage during the school year. This sponsorship helps WCAT hire student interns to live stream games.

Program Underwriter $2,500/year

Benefits: In addition to the Premium Business membership benefits, the business is featured for supporting the production of a regularly produced show or government meeting: Select Board, School Committee, Planning Board and Adoptable Pet of the Week... Limited to two non-competing businesses per program.